Thursday, October 28, 2010

Retired Octagarian Finds the Fountain [Pen] of Youth

My good friend and octagenarian Dr. Vernon Herron asked each other a question: "What does a retired public speaker do to still get the word out?"

He becomes a blogger...


Click link for his full blog.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Spring cleaning, fall cleaning...let's face it. We generally need to clear our clutter as often as possible. This past weekend my family and I spent some time involved in a Fall Cleaning project, focusing on our garage (also known as the "man cave" in some families). Upon entering the man cave I was immediately asked this question:

"Why do you need this??!!"

So...(men and women)...why do you really need that old computer sitting in that corner collecting dust? The computer has taken over the lead from the television as being the most frequently used appliance in the house. In days of old (my childhood) our parents would turn a defunct floor model television console into a display table. But few folks dare to keep a TV around that does not work. Yet we often let an old computer sit around and collect dust without thinking twice about it. 

YOU can answer the question about the need of old computer equipment by asking yourself the following questions:

1. Have I used it within the last 6 months?
2. Do I plan to use it within the next 30 days?
3. Does it contain data that I need removed?
4. Do I know where I can donate it so that it does not go into a landfill?

Usually you can easily answer questions 1 and 2 with a firm NO. Questions 3 and 4 are a bit more difficult to answer. But relax, we can help! Door2Door Computer Services can recycle your old computing equipment. If you have data on an old computer, we can generally take it and move it to your new machine or destroy the old data. Additionally, we strive to exercise the principles of Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling so that your old PC has a ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT. Basically that means it does not end up in a landfill and create pollution.

When you get ready for your next cleaning project call Door2Door Computer Services and ask us how we can help. We look forward to your phone call!

At Door2Door Computer Services we bring quality computer repair and service to your front door!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Searching for the best search engine

This is a short survey in search of how your you use Google, Yahoo,  or Bing?  Why? 

Please respond in the comments area below.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Textworking - Sending contact info using AutoText

Networking (net-wurk-eeng)
the act of meeting new people in a business or social context.

Textworking (text-wurk-eeng): 
the act of using your mobile phone to send contact information quickly while networking.

How many times have you promised to "send your information" but forgot to do so? A solution to end this networking faux pas is to start textworking. 

Per my own definition, textworking is the act of using your mobile phone to send contact information quickly while networking. Although this is not an actual word in our lexicon, I use it frequently and practice textworking often.

Textworking began for me as a culmination of multiple events:
1. During airline and mass transit travel, I needed a way to quickly send contact info while my business cards were tucked away in an inaccessible place. 
2. Since most states have a cell phone or texting law, I did not want to get stopped by the police while sending contact info at a red light. (Alabama, Florida, Hawaii, Ohio, and Wisconsin have no cell phone laws on the books, according to the Governor's Highway Safety Association website).
3. Networking events vary in theme, number of attendees, and ability to effectively work the room. Textworking allows me to skip the business card exchange and go straight for the proverbial jugular - the cell phone number.

Using AutoText
After exploring the mobile world through Palm and Windows Mobile, my phone of choice has become the Blackberry Curve (I have the T-Mobile 8320). To get started textworking, you must first create an entry in your AutoText that includes your contact information. The steps below are found in the Blackberry 8800 series User Manual. Here's how:

Create an AutoText entry
1. In the device options, click AutoText.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click New.
4. In the Replace field, type the text to replace. 

     - I use the letters mci (as in my contact info)
5. In the With field, type replacement text.

     - Here's how my contact info appears:

Joseph Burton, President
Door2Door Computer Services
980-225-5311 (o)
704-728-1133 (m)

6. In the Using field, perform one of the following actions:
     • To capitalize the entry exactly as you typed it, click Specified Case.

7. Set the language.
8. Press the Menu key.
9. Click Save.

10. Test your new AutoText entry. You can text yourself to ensure that everything looks good.

Textworking Alternative
Do you ever have two people that you want to introduce? Avid networkers generally have an inner circle of associates with whom they frequently exchange referrals. I've developed the following textworking technique that links folks together quickly.

1. Create a new text message (add both individuals as recipients).
2. I start the text message by typing "textworking."
3. Include the contact info for each person.



Barack Obama, President
United States of America

George Bush, Former President
United States of America

Door2Door Computer Services, Inc. -
State cell phone laws -
Blackberry PDF handbook -

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